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Our History

The Deposit Foundation has grown and changed over the years, but one thing remains the same: Our commitment to serving our community.


The Deposit Foundation, Inc. was established when the agency received a federal grant to provide primary health care services for Deposit, which was considered a medically undeserved area.  The grant also supported other human service needs. 

In 1979 the local medical center opened in town.


The Volunteer Transportation Program was developed when it was discovered that the rural residents and the elderly could not get to the medical center. 



In 1983 the Deposit Sanford Rural Housing Council, Inc. was formed by a group of local volunteers with the assistance of Opportunities for Broome (OFB).  OFB submitted a grant application for administrative funding to NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal.  In 1983 the Housing Council was awarded a grant from the state under the Rural Preservation Program and served the residents in the Town of Sanford, Town of Deposit and the Village of Deposit. 


In 1987, the Volunteer Transportation Program was expanded to include transportation to medical facilities and doctor’s offices throughout Broome and Delaware Counties.


The Mansard House was purchased and refurbished in 1988 with HUD funds. This house provided low-income housing in Deposit. The Home Repair Loan Program also started during this period to help residents repair or improve their homes.


To reduce overhead expenses while still continuing services to the community The Deposit Foundation, Inc. and the Deposit Rural Housing Council, Inc. were consolidated, forming the Deposit Foundation and Rural Housing Services, Inc. This merger was approved by The NYS Secretary of State, and the IRS approved the tax-exempt status.   


A Certificate of Consolidation was filed with New York State to change the name of the Corporation to Deposit Foundation, Inc.  It was board approved and the certificate was amended.


The Friendship Program and Friendship Table were created to expand on our services. 


Due to maintenance cost the Mansard House was sold.

Phone: 607-467-4000



Deposit Foundation

91 Second St.
Deposit, NY, 13754



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